
Obama Camp: What’s Mitt Hiding?

Personal Finances

Romney says Dems are shifting focus from weak economy.

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President Obama’s camp attacked challenger Mitt Romney’s personal finances on the campaign trail this week—although Romney dismissed it as the Democrats trying to change the conversation from the weak economy. Speaking in Las Vegas, Vice President Biden said Romney was “making a lie out of the old adage ‘Like father, like son’” by not releasing his tax returns as his father, George Romney, did as a candidate for the GOP presidential nomination in 1968. The Obama campaign also released a video on YouTube that asked: “How long can Romney keep information on his investments in overseas tax havens secret? And why did he do so in the first place?” Romney, appearing on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show, insisted he had “followed the law,” although he has released only a single year’s tax return, from 2010.

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