
N.H.’s Dixville Notch: Tied Vote

Here We Go!

Town votes at midnight, first in U.S.

APTN / AP Photo

And it's a—tie? The first votes were cast in Dixville Notch, the tiny New Hampshire town that votes at midnight each year, and the candidates tied at five votes each--the first tie in the town's history. "Considering the way things are polling around the country, we may have been the first tie of the day," said town clerk Dick Erwin. "Keep your eyes on the news reports, because it's going to be a wild ride." Over in Hart's Location, another New Hampshire town with midnight voting, Obama opened up a clearer lead, taking 23 votes to Mitt Romney's nine and one single vote for Libertarian Gary Johnson. At least the counting was over fast: in Dixville Notch, the votes were counted in 43 seconds, as opposed to five minutes and 42 seconds in Hart's Location.

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