
Jay-Z Announces New Album


Has deal with Samsung for “Magna Carta Holy Grail.”

Stephen Lovekin/Getty

In terms of overhyped names, Magna Carta Holy Grail is not quite Yeezus, but it’s getting there. During a three-minute long commercial in Game 5 of the NBA playoffs, Jay-Z announced that his new album, Magna Carta Holy Grail, is coming in July. As part of the deal with Samsung, the album will be available for free for 1 million Android users starting on July 4—then will be available for everyone else three days later. “We don’t have rules, everybody is trying to figure it out,” Jay-Z said. “That’s why the Internet is like the Wild West. We need to write new rules.” The rapper said the album is about “duality,” or “how do you navigate your way through this whole thing, through successes and failures, and remain yourself?”

Read it at Rolling Stone