
Associated Press Censors Muhammad Images


“Deliberately provocative.”

Bertrand Guay/AFP/Getty

The Associated Press, the world’s largest news collective, said Wednesday its policy is to not show images of the Prophet Muhammad, like the ones published on the cover of Charlie Hebdo magazine that was attacked by terrorists Wednesday. “None of the images distributed by AP showed cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad,” said spokesman Paul Colford, telling The Daily Beast that several photos from SIPA were automically sent to the AP's commericial photo unit and have since been removed. A photo of Charlie Hebdo's now-dead editor holding a Muhammad cover on the AP news wire was deliberately cropped out. “It’s been our policy for years that we refrain from moving deliberately provocative images.” Several news organizations, including the New York Daily News and London Telegraph, have edited out Charlie Hebdo magazine covers showing Muhammad. You can see a gallery of the magazine’s most controversial covers below.


This post has been updated.

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