Trump: Megyn Kelly Has ‘Blood Coming Out of Her Wherever’
“Blood coming out of her wherever.”
Scott Olson/Getty
Donald Trump on Friday night attacked Fox News host Megyn Kelly for menstruating. "She had blood coming out of her eyes. Or blood coming out of her whereever," Trump told CNN's Don Lemon about her questioning of him at Thursday night's debate. "You call women you don't like fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals," she said. "Hours later, Trump retweeted a statement calling Kelly a "bimbo." On CNN, he called Kelly a "lightweight" and unprofessional. Last month in an exchange with another female reporter, Trump belittled her. “Come on, try getting it out.” Trump told NBC News's Katy Tur. “Don’t be naïve. You’re a very naïve person.”