James Woods gloated Thursday evening over the death of the anonymous Twitter user whom he sued for defamation and attempted to unmask following a string of mockery, including calling the conservative actor a “cocaine addict.” The anonymous user, known as “Abe List,” sought the help of attorneys Ken White and Lisa Bloom to have Woods’s lawsuit tossed on the grounds that it was a so-called SLAPP case—one filed expressly with the purpose of intimidating and silencing the defendant into retreat. A judge initially sided with List, but shortly thereafter changed his mind, leading to an appeal filed in California’s 2nd District Court. However, that appeal has been dismissed because, as it turns out, List has passed away. Woods took to Twitter on Thursday to gloat over his foe’s passing. “The slime who libeled me just dropped his appeal contesting my victorious SLAPP motion. Perennial loser @LisaBloom isn't yapping so much now,” he wrote. When Bloom responded, “As you surely know, my client has passed. Have a nice day and stay classy!” the actor-turned-Twitter-troll replied: “Having spent time listening to you, he's no doubt in a better place. Keep losing, dear.” In reply to other users pointing out List’s death, Woods wrote: “[He died] screaming my name, I hope. Learn this. Libel me, I’ll sue you. If you die, I’ll follow you to the bowels of Hell. Get it?”