Last month, flooding from heavy rain jumped ocean piers and made rivers out of downtown streets. Now residents are battening down the hatches again.
Last month’s global average temperature surpassed the September record by 0.9 degrees Fahrenheit.
El Niño is one of the biggest influences on weather in the United States and around the world.
Event could “combine with long-term climate change to boost 2019 global temperatures.”
Thanks to El Niño, the first blizzard of 2016 won’t be the last.
Friday night it was the strongest hurricane to make landfall in North America, yet by morning it had been downgraded. What happened?
Right now, Hurricane Joaquin is creeping through the Bahamas, making its way to the Eastern U.S. coast. What should we prepare for?
Scientists can predict El Niño events better than ever. But with rapid climate change, less food, and an increasing population, the world is still in trouble.
1997 is back, or at least its most-talked about weather event is.