Hosni Mubarak


"It kind of disappeared," said one woman at the end of the World Economic Forum when someone asked what happened to perhaps the greatest issue facing the world today.

Slice of history

The Old Cataract Hotel has played grand host to the likes of Churchill, Mitterrand and Agatha Christie—but in the wake of Egypt’s revolution, it’s facing a slow death on the Nile.

Absolute Power

Two years ago, the country’s security services massacred protesters during a violent week of activism. Now, the military is planning to honor the very ‘martyrs’ it shot to death.

Coup Blues

With Egypt's first democratically president detained by the army in an unknown location, Hosni Mubarak released from jail and the army back in power, have Egypt's revolutionaries ceded street power to military rule?

Egypt convicted 43 American NGO workers, including Sam LaHood, son of the U.S. Transportation secretary. Vivian Salama speaks with one of the Americans sentenced in absentia to jail time.