Lemon announced he will host three 30-minute episodes per week on Elon Musk’s increasingly sewer-like “global town square.”
The 29-year-old Colorado man first wound up on the feds’ radar for his anti-Semitic “hunting guides.” Now investigators want to know if he shared child porn on the platforms.
The 23 men had met kids online through social networking and dating apps and were apprehended on their way to meet their victims.
As users look into its billionaire founder’s past, a #DeleteVero movement is growing.
Taylor Swift’s new social network for her fans quickly turned into a community debating if it’s OK not to ‘accept gays lesbians and bisexuals’ in its first weekend online.
In order to cope with the stresses of middle school life, teen girls are reviving MS Paint kitsch to find community—and de facto therapy—across the web.
A ‘yes’ can actively promote an event in your friends’ timelines. A ‘no’ can be an algorithmic death knell—and also ‘cruel and unusual’ levels of impolite.
The flaw that hackers used around the time someone targeted Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber has been fixed—but not in time to protect the privacy of thousands of Instagrammers.
Gossip, says an Oxford University evolutionary psychologist, provides vital physical and psychological benefits—and benefits society. But you have to do it right.
Apple has turned back the clock with its new music app, Connect, following in the path of MySpace in an attempt to ‘humanize’ the world of music online. But does it need humanizing?