After radio host Rush Limbaugh sparked national outrage and sent 40 advertisers running for the hills by denouncing Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke as a “slut,” right-wing actress Patricia Heaton unleashed a Twitter tirade against Fluke. But Heaton, best known for playing the caring, cerebral housewife Debra Barone on the hit CBS television sitcom Everybody Loves Raymond, is no stranger to controversial political statements.
On the Rush Limbaugh/Sandra Fluke controversy:
“Hey G-Town Gal! If your parents have to pay for your birth control, maybe they should get a say in who u sleep with! Instant birth control!” via Twitter
In an ad opposing a 2006 Missouri state constitutional amendment on embryonic stem cell research that ran the same week actor Michael J. Fox, who suffers from Parkinson’s, appeared in an ad in favor of it (and just after Rush Limbaugh accused Fox of “faking” his symptoms):
“Amendment 2 actually makes it a constitutional right for fertility clinics to pay women for eggs. Low-income women will be seduced by big checks, and extracting donor eggs is an extremely complicated, dangerous and painful procedure.” via The New York Times
On her love for Limbaugh:
“I want to see a republican debate where #RushLimbaugh, #HughHewitt and #MichaelMedved ask the questions—tough and intelligent.” via Twitter

On contraception (and George Stephanopoulos):
“What is #GeorgeStephanopoulos’s fascination with contraception about? Stop making a fool of yourself, George.” via Twitter
On the Planned Parenthood/Komen controversy:
“Does #PlannedParenthood think Komen OWES them?How about THANKING Komen 4 years of support?! Or 4 leading the fight against breast cancer?” via Twitter
On what to expect when you’re (not) expecting:
“A woman experiencing an unplanned pregnancy also deserves to experience unplanned joy.” via the Herald Sun
On abortion:
“Every 36 seconds in America a women lays her body down, forced to choose abortion out of a lack of practical resources and emotional support. Abortion is a reflection that society has failed women.” via Pro Life Louisiana
On opposing a 2004 abortion rights march in Hollywood:
“I find it impossible to subscribe to a philosophy that believes that the destruction of human life is a legitimate solution to a problem that is mostly social, economic and psychological.” via Life News
On the Terri Schiavo controversy:
“This deliberate and painful destruction of a woman’s life cannot be justified or tolerated. Terri deserves better. By his actions Michael Schiavo has demonstrated that he should not be the one making the ultimate life or death decisions for a woman who, only in legal terms, remains his wife.” via People
On taxation:
“Investment income SHOULD be taxed at a lower rate, if taxed at should be available for INVESTMENT!” via Twitter
On Obama:
“God Bless our President, I know he means well but he is COMPLETELY wrong for this job. #ShakingMyHeadInAmazement” via Twitter
And…on her math skills: