Exactly one month since 17 people were killed in a mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, students across the country walked out of school and filled the streets to demand that lawmakers take immediate action on gun violence.
According to Women’s March Empower, the group that organized the protests, over 3,000 walkouts have been planned nationwide. Another protest, organized by March For Our Lives— also student led—is set for March 24 in Washington, D.C.
Despite the overwhelming number of students taking part, some schools have threatened those who participate with disciplinary action, while others have encouraged it.
One North Carolina student, Justin Blackman, tweeted that he was the only one in his school to participate.
Other demonstrations have seen greater turnout, with students lying on the ground, and others covering their mouths with masking tape. At many, demonstrators have observed 17 minutes of silence; one minute for each of those killed in Parkland.
In Washington, D.C., students sat silently with their backs to the White House.
From the White House to Parkland, here’s a look at the nationwide protests happening now: