Tucker Carlson: Trump Looking Directly Into the Sun Was ‘Perhaps the Most Impressive Thing Any President’s Ever Done’
Fox News host has an eyebrow-raising take on Trump’s disregard for his own vision.
Fox News/Screenshot
Fox News host and noted Trump sycophant Tucker Carlson offered on Monday evening that the president looking directly into the total solar eclipse without protective glasses, despite repeated caution from experts and his own aides, was “perhaps the most impressive thing any president has ever done.” While Trump did use special solar-filtering glasses to view the eclipse from the White House, he was caught on-camera occasionally squinting upward to the sun without any protective eyewear. According to several reports, aides shouted from below his viewing balcony, “don’t look,” and he did so anyhow. Suggesting the Fox host was joking with his assessment, Carlson added that Trump’s unprotected sun-glancing was “not a complete surprise.” As a joke, the bit was perhaps a pretty incisive bit of self-parody.