Rescue workers sifting through the rubble from a devastating earthquake in western Turkey pulled a 70-year-old man out alive on Sunday as the death toll rose to 53. The miracle survivor is named as Ahmet Citim and was taken to the hospital where he is expected to recover fully, Turkish media reported. The epicenter of Friday's quake, which the U.S. Geological Survey registered at 7.0 magnitude, was in the Aegean Sea and produced a small tsunami that led to the drowning of several people. Damage was widespread, including nine buildings completely leveled in the Turkish city of Izmir and damage on the Greek island of Samos, where two teenagers were killed.
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70-Year-Old Man Pulled Out of Turkey Quake Alive After 34 Hours
Rescue workers have continued to look for signs of life in nine collapsed buildings in western Turkey as the death toll reached 53 on Sunday from Friday’s devastating earthquake.
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