“Spineless” is a charge Romney critics have leveled at the presidential candidate. And when it comes to his Israel policy it’s easy to see why: he took a trip to Israel that seemed aimed toward pleasing mega-donors like Sheldon Adelson. But Romney’s refusal to speak out in favor of releasing former spy Jonathan Pollard demonstrates that the candidate does, in fact, have a backbone. According to The Daily Beast, Adelson has been urging Romney to come out in favor of Pollard’s release, but he’s held out. Eli Lake and Dan Ephron report:
Casino tycoon Sheldon Adelson, a major contributor to Mitt Romney’s election effort, is pressing the Republican nominee to come out for the release of Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard, a major Republican donor and associates of Adelson and Romney tell The Daily Beast.
Romney has rejected the request so far, telling Adelson he would have to review the relevant intelligence material accessible to him as president before granting Pollard clemency, said the sources, who are relaying accounts of conversations from both Adelson and Romney. Romney “could not consider the Pollard situation because he doesn’t have access to the classified information,” one source said.
Romney may not believe in leaving “daylight” between the U.S. and Israel, but his apparent refusal to call for Pollard’s release shines a few rays between himself and his major supporters.