The wife of celebrity lawyer Alan Dershowitz has blamed the #MeToo movement for allegations against her husband. Speaking to New York Magazine’s Intelligencer, Carolyn Cohen lamented that her husband is the victim of man hating and claims by another celebrity lawyer David Boies that her husband had sex with one of Jeffrey Epstein’s victims while he defended the financier are pure fantasy. “My hope, my greatest dream, would be for this to be revealed as really a sinister plot by Boies, and that he gets what’s due to him, and Alan gets totally exonerated,” Cohen told the Intelligencer. “And the #MeToo movement pulls back some and becomes a more reasonable, due process-oriented, valuable movement. This alerts us to the dangers of being too fanatical.” She added that she believed that the balance of presumption had tilted too far. “It’s like, all men are evil.”