Alex Jones refused to provide info, so he lost two wars. A Texas judge ruled Monday that the Infowars founder would be liable in two lawsuits filed against him by the parents of two children killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Jones repeatedly failed to hand over documents for discovery, and in a ruling unsealed Thursday, a judge said he had lost the suits by default. The conspiracy theorist and his outlet will be forced to pay whatever damages an upcoming jury panel determines his claims that the mass shooting was a “false flag” pulled off by “crisis actors” are worth. Jones had multiple years to comply with the discovery orders, and the judge lambasted him for his delinquency and laziness, writing “An escalating series of judicial admonishments, monetary penalties, and non-dispositive sanctions have all been ineffective at deterring the abuse.” Parents of two 6-year-olds killed at Sandy Hook filed the suits in 2018; in all, nine families have sued Jones.