Andrew Garfield is set to star in a Netflix adaptation of playwright Jonathan Larson’s musical tick, tick...BOOM!, which is helmed by Lin-Manuel Miranda. The project, an autobiographical show written by the man behind the hit Broadway musical Rent, will be Miranda’s feature directorial debut. Dear Evan Hansen and Fosse/Verdon writer Steven Levenson is adapting the script. Garfield will play Jon, a composer based closely on Larson, who aspires to have his big break as a Broadway playwright. Jon grapples with anxiety and ambition as his 30th birthday looms.
Larson famously wrote the iconic rock musical Rent about a group of young artists struggling to make ends meet in Manhattan’s East Village at the peak of the AIDS crisis. The Pulitzer-Prize winning playwright tragically died the night before Rent’s first performance and he posthumously won three Tony Awards.
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