Anti-vaxxers who have had to cave to COVID vaccine mandates are turning to bizarre—and totally useless—“detox” baths to rid themselves of fictional poisons, according to NBC News. In one TikTok video with hundreds of thousands of views, Dr. Carrie Madej told followers to run a bath with baking soda, epsom salts, and benonite clay to remove radiation, unspecified poisons, and nanotechnologies that she falsely believes are in the vaccine. Unfortunately for her, the lifesaving effects of the vaccine take hold very quickly—“basically, by the time you get out to your car,” one virologist told NBC. Nevertheless, the new grift is taking hold as more and more Americans decide to get vaccinated. With 70 percent of the country vaccinated, and anti-vaxxers’ dire warnings of mass deaths and infertility not coming true, anti-vaxxers are pivoting to the “reluctantly vaxxed” market.