
Are Bieber and Selena Really Back On?

Better Belieb It

Has Selena Gomez split with The Weeknd? Is she back together with Justin? And is the new behemoth of social-media romances just for the likes?


It would be the hottest social-media-rekindled romance of all time.

After a welter of reports that Selena Gomez—the world’s most followed Instagram star with 128 million followers—had split from her boyfriend of 10 months, Canadian rapper The Weeknd, there are rumors that she is back on with her former lover Justin Bieber (no social-media slouch himself, with 96 million Instagram fans). On Monday morning, he was spotted leaving her home after apparently staying overnight.

No doubt the two had been engaged in deep theological discussion, having both attended the celebrity-favored Hillsong church together on Sunday, after grabbing a low-key breakfast together earlier in the day.

Gomez and Bieber dated between 2011 and 2014, but there appeared to be reserves of bitterness after they publicly bickered on Instagram over his relationship with Sofia Richie in 2016. The ensuing fallout was partly responsible for Bieber deactivating his account for six months.

However Bieber and Gomez reportedly made contact over the summer after both undergoing life-changing experiences: Gomez had a kidney transplant to help her fight the disease lupus and Bieber abruptly canceled his tour, saying he wanted to focus on his personal well-being in August.

Since then, Bieber has reinvented himself as a spiritually charged citizen.

Indeed, many reports have suggested that the affections of Gomez and Bieber were rekindled through their church-going and mutual friends in the congregation of Hillsong.

But Page Six says Tuesday that Gomez’s friendship with Bieber was not, as some have speculated the reason for their split.

The breakup happened because Gomez was secondary to his career, a source tells Page Six.

“Everyone wants love, but his focus is the business,” the source said. “He’s building a legacy. He’s young and successful with money and can have any girl he wants. Their relationship kind of came out of nowhere.”

Note: The Weeknd “only” has 15 million followers on Instagram. Make of that what you will.