
The Very Best Trump Gifs From Around the Web

Making America Great

A selection of Donald Trump GIFs that are (almost) as animated as he is.

Brian Snyder / Reuters

Whether you really think The Donald is going to “Make America Great Again” or you are just happy to sit on the sidelines and watch the battle for the future of our nation unravel like a bad Saturday Night Live skit, you have to hand it to Trump for giving Internet meme-makers something to think about besides cats and Kimye.

Whoever it is in the dark reaches of the Matrix that spends time creating GIFs for us to share couldn’t be given a better subject than the rubber-faced, rhetoric-spewing, fire-eyed hairpiece hanger of a GOP candidate. Trump makes the rest of the Republican presidential hopefuls seem like a tame selection of wannabe villains from a B movie’s central casting. And there’s the strange sense that, every time he outdoes himself on his own “WTF” scale, he’s really just punking us all, biding his time until the big reveal—that he’s just a robot puppet lizard overlord distraction for Bernie Sanders’s ascension after all.

Conspiracy theories aside, it’s shaping up to be a great election cycle from a visual standpoint. If the candidates can keep inspiring people to create things, then at least there’s discourse.

Here are some of our favorite Trump GIFs from around the Web, and here’s to another 15 months of madness. Enjoy, and try not to have any nightmares. Or seizures.

And, lastly, how could we leave out this rare image of a Trump hairpiece on the loose?

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