
Atlanta Preacher Gives Herschel Walker the Business in Fiery Sunday Sermon


"White men been telling him
where to pay for abortions...and you think they not gon’ tell him how to vote?" pastor Jamal Bryant boomed.

Megan Varner

“Y’all ain’t ready for me today.” That’s how the raucous crowd listening to Atlanta-area pastor Jamal Bryant knew he was on one during his fiery sermon on Sunday, one in which he did not exactly practice pure separation between church and state. Instead, Bryant told the faithful at Newbirth Missionary Baptist what he thought about GOP Senate nominee Herschel Walker. “Ladies and gentlemen, when the Republican Party of Georgia moved Herschel Walker from Texas to Georgia so that he could run for Senate, it’s because change was taken too fast in the post-Antebellum South,” the pastor rumbled ahead of next week’s midterm election. “They thought we was so slow, that we was so stupid, that we would elect the lowest caricature of a stereotypical, broken Black man.... Since Herschel Walker was 16 years old, white men been telling him what to do, telling him what school to go to, where to live
 where to pay for abortions, where to buy a gun, and you think they not gon’ tell him how to vote? In 2022, we don’t need a Walker, we need a runner. We need somebody to run and tell the truth about Jan. 6.... Georgia, I need you to know, the slave Negro y’all are used to don’t live here no more. We can think for ourselves, function for ourselves, and vote for ourselves!”

Read it at The Hill