Douglas E. Schoen is a political strategist and coauthor of the book Mad as Hell: How the Tea Party Movement is Fundamentally Remaking Our Two-Party System. Schoen has worked on numerous campaigns, including those of Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Michael Bloomberg, Evan Bayh, Tony Blair, and Ed Koch.

Like It or Not, Prepare for Biden vs. Trump Rematch in 2024
BACK TO THE FUTUREVoters are increasingly saying the U.S. is headed in the wrong direction. So why do Democrats and Republicans think the way forward in 2024 is to return to Biden and Trump?

What Hillary Needs to Beat Bernie
Clawing BackOkay, she’s moved left. But to regain traction, Clinton must connect with voters in the middle on growth, foreign policy, and health care.

What Hillary Needs to Do Right Now
Just Do ItThe emails fiasco proves the point—Clinton needs a campaign operation. Plus, she’s got $2 billion to raise. Time’s a-wasting.

Post-Obama Democratic Doctrine
A New BlueThe Democratic Party we thought we knew has left us, abandoning voters on jobs, education, and entitlements. Why the party of Obama needs a bold new vision to rescue the future.

The Crisis of the Republican Brand
IMAGE ISSUESThe GOP Meltdown: Douglas E. Schoen and Jessica Tarlov on how Republicans are ruining their own brand.

A Plea for Bipartisanship
Douglas Schoen and Jessica Tarlov on what voters really want: tax hikes, spending cuts, and compromise.

Too Close to Call
Too close to call, but a slight edge for Obama. Douglas E. Schoen and Jessica Tarlov on the latest polls.

Douglas E. Schoen and Jessica Tarlov on why both candidates have (different) reasons for optimism.

Romney’s Surge
GAININGThe election is a dead heat, but Mitt has the momentum, say Douglas E. Schoen and Jessica Tarlov.

It’s All About Ohio
BATTLEGROUNDThe election is once again coming down to Ohio. Douglas E. Schoen and Jessica Tarlov explain why.