After his win in the Nevada caucuses on Saturday, Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-VT) told a crowd that he and his supporters would “sweep” across the nation. “Let me thank the people of Nevada for their support. We just put together a multi-generational, multi-racial coalition that... will sweep this country,” he told a cheering crowd in San Antonio, Texas. “No campaign has a grassroots movement like we do.” The Vermont senator also predicted a win in the Democratic primary and the general election in Texas. “The president gets very very upset easily, so don't tell him that we're gonna beat him here in Texas,” he said, adding that the American people are “sick and tired of a president who lies all the time” and who “never read the Constitution in this country.” Sanders’ Nevada win is his second victory after he won the New Hampshire primary earlier this month, and he also had a strong showing at the Iowa caucuses.