Bernie Sanders Slow Jams the News With Jimmy Fallon: My Plan Is ‘Actually Quite Sexy’


The 78-year-old senator from the great state of Vermont appeared to be in good spirits, showcasing his rhythm alongside the late-night host.


On Tuesday night, Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-VT) joined Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show to slow jam the news, following in the footsteps of Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, and a host of others.

“During last week’s debate, I went toe-to-toe with my fellow Democrats on the issues that matter most: We need to defeat Trump, the most dangerous president in American history, but we need to do more. We can no longer tolerate three people owning more wealth than the bottom half of America. I have the experience to fight for that bottom half, and to create an economy that works for all of us, not just those on top,” said Sanders.

Oh yeah. Bernie Sanders is lookin’ out for your bottom half. He knows it’s been neglected for too long, now he wants to pay it some extra-special attention. He’s sick and tired of having just a few people on top, that’s why Bernie’s here to spread the love,” added Fallon in his hushed bedroom voice.

Later on, Fallon added, “You gotta listen to my bed-headed broham. He might not have a super PAC, but he’s packin’ something super. He’s all about taking a firm stance against corporations to give the people what they desire.”

“I know you’re jokin’! But it actually is quite sexy,” chimed in Sanders.

Cue The Roots’ Black Thought: “He’s bringin’ Medicare to all consumers, and if you can’t dig that then, OK, boomer.”

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