My Hulken bag has laid dormant in my closet. I thought I’d use it all the time, but then a grocery store opened up directly across the street from me and it made no sense. But now, I’m bringing it out, along with the rolling cart (aka the grandma cart) I bought when I first moved to Brooklyn. Why now? Because I don’t want to touch the carts in the grocery store anymore and now I don’t have to. Bringing my own cart to the grocery store makes it easier to buy all the groceries that I need without having to touch anything unnecessarily.
This bag looks unassuming, but it’s sort of the perfect thing for a situation like this. It folds completely flat, with only the bottom support and wheels being inflexible. It fits up to 2-3 grocery bags (or 4-5 if you get the large one), which is plenty of room to fit a full week’s worth of groceries. It’s also easy to clean out, just wipe clean with a disinfecting wipe and you’re good to go. The soft, nylon handles make it easy to carry, as they’re located on either side to pick it up and a long one to be able to pull behind you.

Another great option is the classic rolling cart. This one is the extra-large option, with a basket in the back for personal items, circulars, or small items that you don’t want to get lost in the large compartment. You can also get one that is easy to bring up stairs, with specialized climbing wheels, if you have to lug it up front steps or building staircases. These carts mostly fold flat, so even after all of this, they won’t take up any room in your home.

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