I Played Blackjack With the World’s Best Card CounterNina StrochlicInside a secret Chinatown soiree, top gamblers teach a few of their favorite tips on how to beat the house.
Spies: Obama’s Brass Pressured Us to Downplay ISIS ThreatShane Harris & Nancy A. YoussefU.S. intelligence analysts keep saying that the American-led campaign against ISIS isn’t going so well. Their bosses keep telling them to think again about those conclusions.
The Coming Yakuza WarJake AdelsteinThe biggest Yakuza group is celebrating its 100th year in operation, but it’s splitting into factions that may soon go after each other with bloody consequences.
Vester Flanagan Threatened Coworkers, Played the Race Card for YearsKatie Zavadski & Kate BriqueletThe cold-blooded Roanoke killer kept getting fired, kept threatening co-workers, and kept claiming he was the real victim.