In every place I’ve lived, from my parents’ house to my college dorm to my city apartments, there has been some version of string lights. I’m not an overhead lighting kinda gal, so I need all the atmospheric light options possible. String lights give you the warmth and glow you need to, you know, actually see, but with an aesthetically pleasing set up. Whether they’re wrapped around a balcony, hung from ceilings, or used to light a backyard, we’ve rounded up a few strands to keep your space looking great.

These lights have eight different settings to give you the perfect ambiance, from twinkling to a slow fade. They’re also waterproof, so you can place them on balconies, fences, and more.

If you want a more statement-making option, these globe lights will make any backyard feel like a beautiful cafe. The bulbs give off a warm glow and are energy efficient to help you feel good every time you turn them on.

Not all outdoor lights need to be plain. These give you the option of a white, black, or green string or even colored bulbs for a festive atmosphere.

Grab a couple strands of these lights and you’ll be set, no matter how long you stay outside. They’re bright and are built to last, with multiple lighting modes as well.

These fairy lights are so dainty, you probably won’t even notice them when they’re off. The thin copper wiring allows you to wrap them around practically anything to give that angelic look.
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