
Bill Maher Blasts AG Merrick Garland for Failing to Prosecute Trump


Maher said that Democrats needed a pit bull, but got a purse dog

On his latest episode, Bill Maher blasted Attorney General Merrick Garland “who, spoiler alert, sucks.”

Bill Maher ripped “Attorney Genial” Merrick Garland a new one during Friday night’s episode of Real Time with Bill Maher for allowing Donald Trump to continually skirt federal prosecution for his alleged crimes.

“And finally, new rule: At the top levels of our federal government, giving a guy a job because he got screwed over for another job, isn’t a good reason to give a guy a job. Especially if the job is Attorney General. And especially if it’s during a time when we need a tough AG to catch a real criminal.”

Maher was of course talking about Attorney General Garland, “who, spoiler alert, sucks,” according to the talk show host. But Maher didn’t just turn his ire on Garland who he dubbed “Attorney General Barney Fife,” but on the Democrats who appointed him.

“They worry so much about appearing non-partisan they get behind someone who lets actual crimes go unpunished,” he said. Garland was the result of Democrats, who consistently appoint a Republican to the attorney general seat, caring too much about “optics” Maher said.

Maher compared Garland to Robert Mueller, who he said failed to bring Trump to justice for colluding with Russia. “But with Mueller as with Garland now, when we needed a pit bull, we got a purse dog,” he said.

The host explained that Garland was the reason for the former president’s ongoing hush-money case, which he argued should actually be a federal election interference case.

“So, tell me, how can the fixer who delivers the hush money be guilty of election interference but the candidate who orders it, pays it, conceals it, not be?” Maher asked, arguing that Trump is clearly guilty of the same crimes to which Michael Cohen pleaded guilty in 2018.

“Trump whines he’s the victim of ‘selective prosecution,’ the truth is he’s the beneficiary of selective non-prosecution,” Maher said, arguing that Trump should have been charged with breaking campaign finance laws, instead of duking it out in state court on charges of falsifying business records.

The same thing happened with Trump’s classified documents case, Maher argued. “By bending over backwards to be fair to the Republican, the Democrat got fucked,” he said.

Garland waited six months to send the FBI to Mar-a-Lago to follow up on Trump’s classified documents case, Maher said, and took 20 months to assign a special prosecutor to investigate.

At the same time the AG leapt to assign a Trump-appointed special counsel to investigate Joe Biden, who was fully exonerated, but smeared with an report alleging the president was “senile, feeble, confused, shell-of-a-former-man, who poops his pants and can’t remember his kids’ names.”

Maher warned that it was happening again with Trump’s election inference case, which has advanced at a glacial pace under Garland’s watch.