Bill Maher Exposes the Insanity of Rudy Giuliani’s Hunter Biden Smear Campaign


The “Real Time” host broke down just how wild the explanation was for how Rudy Giuliani obtained Hunter Biden’s emails.


On Friday night, Real Time host Bill Maher weighed in on Trump’s unhinged, sweaty, hour-long ragefest on NBC Thursday with Savannah Guthrie, wherein the president defended the batshit-insane conspiracy theory QAnon, which claims that the Democrats and Hollywood are killing and raping babies (and extracting their fear for medicine), as well as his decision to retweet another wacky conspiracy theory about the bin Laden raid.

“The Trump one was just amazing,” offered Maher. “Trump defended retweeting this crazy conspiracy theory—did you see this?—about how bin Laden wasn’t really killed by Obama, because of course Obama never could do anything good so he couldn’t do that, it was a body double. And then Obama had SEAL Team Six murdered to cover it up. Trump defended this, which led to an undecided voter from Bridgeport, Connecticut, ask a follow-up question: Are you on bath salts?

But the main focus of Maher’s monologue was the incredibly sketchy “October Surprise” courtesy of the New York Post, Rudy Giuliani, and maybe the Russians, alleging that Joe Biden’s troubled son, Hunter, had inappropriate contacts with officials from China and Ukraine.

“It’s getting so crazy. The ‘October surprise’ that the Trump people have now... have you seen this? It’s Hunter Biden’s laptop. Joe Biden’s ne’er-do-well son, Hunter, has this laptop which apparently had incriminating evidence—maybe stuff about influence-peddling on it—that was contained in his emails. And apparently, according to this, Hunter was trading on his name, selling access to his father, accepting money for nothing—what Don Jr. calls living the dream,” explained Maher.

Then, the comic got into the very curious part of the story—that the Feds are currently investigating to see if it’s linked to a foreign intelligence operation. “Here’s the part that gets a little swirly about the story,” said Maher. “How do we know about these emails? Well, apparently Hunter took his computer—which wasn’t working—to a computer repair shop, as we all do in 2020… and left it there and forgot about it, because, says Rudy Giuliani… he was drunk. And the computer repairman is blind. I’m not making that part of the story up.”

Indeed, Maher is not. The Daily Beast spoke to the owner of the repair shop—which is located in Delaware, even though Hunter Biden lives in Los Angeles—who, in between chirping about how much he loves Trump and the Seth Rich conspiracy, as well as contradicting himself a number of times, claimed that he couldn’t see Hunter because his vision is impaired but that he recognized it was his laptop due to a Biden sticker on it.

“So, how the blind man knew Hunter was drunk? How you repair a computer if you’re blind? I don’t know about that either,” added Maher. “But in the process of repairing Hunter’s computer blindly, he read Hunter’s emails and turned it over to the FBI. Is that how you fix a laptop nowadays? You read somebody’s emails? It’s like a plumber saying, ‘Well, the problem with your pipes is that you have cocaine in your underwear drawer.’”

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