
Bill Maher Goes Off on Harvard Kids for ‘Siding With Terrorists’


“As an Ivy League graduate who knows the value of a liberal education I have one piece of advice for the youth of America—don’t go to college,” Maher said Friday night.

Bill Maher tells his audience “Don’t go to an elite college”.

After 34 Harvard student groups signed a statement saying they hold Israel “entirely responsible for all unfolding violence” in the wake of the Hamas attack, comedian Bill Maher had a “New Rule” for young Americans–don’t go to college.

“If you absolutely have to go, don’t go to an elite college because as recent events have shown it just makes you stupid,” he said on Real Time with Bill Maher on Friday. “Elite schools should no longer be called elite, just say expensive.”

Maher, himself an Ivy League graduate, blasted the Harvard students for their groupthink on the Israel-Hamas war.

“There are few if any positives to come out of what has happened in Israel but one of them is opening America’s eyes to how higher education has become indoctrination into a stew of bad ideas, among them the simplistic notion that the world is a binary place where everyone is either an oppressor or oppressed,” he said. “The same students who will tell you that ‘words are violence’ and ‘silence is violence’ were very supportive when Hamas terrorists went on a rape and murder rampage as if they were the Vikings. They knew where to point the fingers—at the murdered—and then it was off to ethics class.”

Maher acknowledged that five of the student groups have since rescinded what they signed after saying they didn’t read the letter closely enough.

“They promise not to make that mistake again when they graduate and start running the world,” Maher quipped. “The reason why despising Israel became pretty much a requirement of the American left is colleges. Elite colleges—the mouth of the river from which this and all matter of radical left illiberal nonsense flows.”

Maher said that for every decent graduate like Barack Obama that these Ivy League schools spit out “there are two Josh Hawleys.”

“Vivek Ramaswamy, (Yale and Harvard), Ron DeSantis (Yale and Harvard), Ted Cruz (Princeton and Harvard), Pat Robertson, George W. Bush, Tom Cotton, Mike Pompeo, Bill O’Reilly, Steve Bannon, Jared Kushner, most of the Supreme Court—there is a special magic that links Harvard types and being utterly face-punchable… and some I assume are good people,” he said.

“They all came out of an asshole factory,” Maher concluded.

“If you parents have $300,000 that they absolutely have to flush down the toilet put it in crypto, or buy a van go to a national park and feed yourself to a bear because any legacy dipshit can go to Penn but a bear—that is hard to get into.”