Bill Maher Makes the Case for Joe Biden: He Is ‘Mildly Embarrassing’ But Not ‘Insane’ Like Trump


“And after he plows the presidential limousine through a farmer’s market, I'll say, ‘Why so upset, Republicans? That’s just Biden being Biden,’” Maher concluded.

HBO’s Bill Maher ended his Friday night broadcast of Real Time by taking aim at Republicans and conservative pundits who defend President Donald Trump regardless of what he says and does, introducing a new concept: Catch-23.

During his “New Rules” segment, Maher explained to his viewers that “Catch-22 meant if you claimed to be insane to get out of combat, it actually proved you were sane.” On the other hand, “Catch-23 is if Donald Trump never makes you insane, you are insane!”

Noting that Republicans love to toss around the term “Trump Derangement Syndrome” to brush aside criticism of the “Dear Leader” as nothing but liberals being “sore losers” who can’t accept Trump is president, Maher admitted there was some of that on the left before asking: “Have you watched this man over the last four years?!”

Playing a montage of Trump’s most bizarre moments at his campaign rallies, the HBO star snarked that Republicans somehow came to the conclusion that this was “how a president behaves” before pointing out that conservatives were correct to say liberals haven’t gotten over Trump.

“You’re right. we haven't gotten over it, because no one should,” he exclaimed.

Maher went on to highlight the president taking North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Saudis at their words, adding that this is “what Trump Derangement Syndrome really is: pretending that all of this is perfectly acceptable behavior for an American president and defending the indefensible.”

“That’s deranged,” he quipped. “That’s a syndrome. And it’s coming from the right. It’s like body odor: if you smell it all the time, it’s probably you.”

This prompted the acerbic comic to make a case for supporting Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden even if he “rapidly declines and legit loses his mind,” telling Republicans: “I am going to pretend ‘nothing to see here,’ just like you’re doing now.”

“For this, I need Joe Biden to be full-on, forgot-to-wear-pants, crumbs-in-the-hair, screaming-at-the-toaster nuts!”

Maher would go on to encourage Democrats to vote for Biden even if he devolves from the current “mildly embarrassing gaffe machine who mixes up stories and waits 'til he’s onstage for his eyeball to explode and his dentures to fall out.”

“That guy would not be nearly broken and crazy enough to teach the Republicans the lesson they need to learn,” he noted. “For this, I need Joe Biden to be full-on, forgot-to-wear-pants, crumbs-in-the-hair, screaming-at-the-toaster nuts!”

Maher continued: “And when Republicans say, ‘Wait a minute, how can you give unwavering support for someone who’s clearly lost it?’ I’ll say, ‘I don’t know, you tell me.’”

The veteran comedian told his audience that in private, they’ll go ahead and admit that their guy is nuts, but publicly they’ll be in full denial mode, pointing to Fox Business host Stuart Varney’s assertion that Trump has never lied as a prime example of how to act.

Rolling his eyes at Varney’s obsequiousness, Maher said he wanted to see Biden do “every fucked-up thing a celebrity ever did”—such as wear a meat dress or interrupt Taylor Swift at an awards show—just so he could tell Republicans that Biden’s “a different kind of president.”

“And after he plows the presidential limousine through a farmer’s market, I’ll say, ‘Why so upset, Republicans? That’s just Biden being Biden,’” Maher concluded.

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