Billie Eilish has a suggestion for the “women hating ass weirdos” trying to police her shifting fashion style: “Suck my absolute cock and balls.” The 21-year-old singer took to her Instagram Story on Saturday to address commenters labeling her a “sellout” for embracing a more feminine style of dress. “I spent the first 5 years of my career getting absolutely OBLITERATED by you fools for being boy ish and dressing how i did & constantly being told i’d be hotter if i acted like a woman,” she wrote. “And now when i feel comfortable enough to wear anything remotely feminine or fitting, i CHANGED and am a sellout.. and ‘what happened to her’ oMg iT’s nOt thE sAmE biLlie she’s just like the rest bla blah… you guys are true idiots. LOL. i can be BOTH you fucking bozos. LET WOMEN EXIST!” In a separate Story, Eilish continued: “FUN FACT! did you know that women are multifaceted!!!!!??? shocking right??” she wrote. “Believe it or not women can be interested in multiple things.”