Elton John with Kiril Kulish,Trent Kowalik, David Alvarez, and the ensemble cast during the "Billy Elliot - The Musical" opening night performance curtain call in New York City on November 13.
Walter McBride/Retna Ltd.
Haydn Gwynne as Mrs. Wilkinson and Trent Kowalik as Billy Elliot.
Carol Rosegg
David Alvarez as Billy, Haydn Gwynne as Mrs. Wilkinson, and the company.
David Scheinmann
Gregory Jbara as Dad and David Alvarez as Billy.
David Scheinmann
Kiril Kulish as Billy and Stephen Hanna as Older Billy.
David Scheinmann
David Alvarez as Billy Elliot.
David Scheinmann
David Alvarez as Billy and police shields.
David Scheinmann
Kiril Kulish as Billy and Ballet Girls.
David Scheinmann
Three Billy Elliots dance during the "Billy Elliot - The Musical" opening night curtain call.
Walter McBride/Retna Ltd.
Michael Bloomberg and Diana Taylor arrive for the opening night performance of "Billy Elliot - The Musical" at the Imperial Theatre in New York City on November 13.
Walter McBride/Retna Ltd.
Natasha Richardson and her sons arrive for the opening night performance of "Billy Elliot - The Musical" at the Imperial Theatre in New York City on November 13.
Walter McBride/Retna Ltd.
Kevin Spacey arrives for the opening night performance of "Billy Elliot - The Musical" at the Imperial Theatre in New York City on November 13.
Walter McBride/Retna Ltd.
Rosie O'Donnell and her son Parker arrive for the opening night performance of "Billy Elliot - The Musical" at the Imperial Theatre in New York City on November 13.
Watler McBride/Retna Ltd.
Rachel Weisz arrives for the opening night performance of "Billy Elliot - The Musical" at the Imperial Theatre in New York City on November 13.
Watler McBride/Retna Ltd.
Stephen Daldry arrives for the opening night performance of "Billy Elliot - The Musical" at the Imperial Theatre in New York City on November 13.
Watler McBride/Retna Ltd.