Brooklyn’s so-called Bling Bishop, who was robbed of more than $1 million in jewelry during a livestreamed sermon last year, says he was slandered by a local businessman who said the storefront preacher told him he had City Hall and New York Mayor Eric Adams “in my back pocket.” Lamor Whitehead on Tuesday filed a $200 million lawsuit in New York State Supreme Court against Brandon Belmonte, whose remarks were published in a Jan. 14 New Yorker article headlined “The Mayor and the Con Man.” In the article, Belmonte accused Whitehead, a longtime friend of Adams, of shaking him down for kickbacks to get in on corrupt real estate deals allegedly brokered by the mayor, a former NYPD captain. “As a result of Mr. Belmonte’s conduct,” the lawsuit alleges, “Bishop Whitehead has lost, and continues to lose, business deals, church members, income, and was subjected to a federal criminal indictment based upon Mr. Belmonte’s false statements.”
Read it at New York State Supreme CourtMedia
Brooklyn’s ‘Bling Bishop’ Says He Was Slandered in New Yorker Article
Lamor Whitehead filed a $200 million lawsuit against a businessman who says he’s a shakedown artist in cahoots with the mayor.
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