There's no need to dream of a white Christmas for many Americans this year: Winter Storm Brianna has made it a reality. From Iowa to Wisconsin to Nebraska to Colorado, the blizzard has dumped several inches of snow, closing schools, roads, and businesses across the country. The Daily Beast looks at some of the winter-wonderland scenes.

A man clears a path throw the snow in Saukville, Wis. The Badger State is expected to get up to 16 inches of snow in some areas, prompting Gov. Scott Walker to declare a state of emergency.
Jeffrey Phelps/EPA, via Landov

Blizzard conditions white out a farm in Waupun, Wis.
Jeffrey Phelps/EPA, via Landov

An Urbandale, Iowa, resident clears snow from his driveway.

The winter weather made traveling very treacherous along stretches of I-70 near Lawrence, Kan.

A cow on a ranch in Superior, Colo., gets a dusting of snow from the storm. More than a foot of snow fell on the Rocky Mountains as the blizzard headed east to the central plains.
Brennan Linsley/AP

No emergency closings for these elementary-school children, who trudged to class in Boulder, Colo., with the help of a couple of parents.
Brennan Linsley/AP

Snow-removal operations allowed cars to get back on the road in Superior, Colo.
Brennan Linsley/AP