
Bloomberg Wants to Buy New York Times


Approached the paper before.

It’s long been speculated that former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg wants to purchase The New York Times and it turns out to be true. New York magazine reports that the billionaire media mogul has been speaking to close advisers regarding an acquisition, including his political adviser Kevin Sheekey and financial adviser Steven Rattner. “Sheekey basically said, ‘We want to buy the company,’” a source familiar with the situation said of a meeting with Times Publisher Arthur Sulzberger, who stated the paper wasn’t for sale when Bloomberg approached him in 2013. Bloomberg made his money by creating his namesake media company that offers financial data to Wall Street. "Imagine. People talk. What a shock," Sulzberger told The Daily Beast's Lloyd Grove in 2013, equating the publication to his children. "The Times," he added, slapping his palm on the table," is Not. For. Sale."

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