One week from today, the world will wake up to four new episodes of sketch comedy from Bob Odenkirk and David Cross. Twenty years after the comedy duo’s seminal Mr. Show premiered on HBO, they are back together again, this time on Netflix with a show that for both legal and personal reasons is now called W/ Bob & David.
Two of the four episodes had their big premiere last night at the Vista Theatre in the Los Feliz neighborhood of L.A. and at a bar around the corner from the venue, The Daily Beast asked the pair what they are hoping to see from Donald Trump when he hosts Saturday Night Live this weekend.
Odenkirk, who spent five years working as a full-time writer for SNL and is responsible for creating the iconic Matt Foley character with Chris Farley, revealed that he actually submitted a monologue script for Trump this week and is hoping the show uses it on Saturday.
He was hesitant to reveal too much about the idea on the record in case it does end up on screen, but in essence it condemns the media and the GOP candidate in relatively equal measure.
“The worst thing he could do is host Saturday Night Live,” Odenkirk said of Trump. “If you’re smart, you do a cameo, that’s what you do.” He said he expected the candidate to “embarrass” himself but beyond that, he asked, “Why would you be willing to spend all your time doing that. What kind of person are you?”
“You’re not a presidential person,” he continued. “It’s not a good use of your time if you want to be president. You’re not a serious fucking person!” Ultimately Odenkirk predicted that an hour and a half of live television is “not going to turn out well” for Trump.
David Cross could only shake his head and repeat over and over, “He’s an egomaniac, he’s an egomaniac…”
So far this week, NBC released a handful of promos for Trump’s hosting gig, including one in which he called rival Ben Carson a “complete and total loser.” That clip was quickly scrubbed from YouTube by the network, which claimed it had “accidentally” posted clips that were “not meant for air.”
Meanwhile, a number of Latino groups are expected to protest the taping outside 30 Rockefeller Plaza and the Deport Racism PAC has offered $5,000 to anyone who will interrupt the show by yelling out “Trump is a racist.”
Here’s the latest set of SNL promos in which Trump says nothing mean about his political opponents but does try on one of musical guest Sia’s famous wigs: