
Boehner Daughter's Fiance Busted for Pot

The High Life

National Enquirer touting first picture.

Splash News

Get ready to add one to your "John Boehner crying" photo collection. Boehner's 35-year-old daughter, Lindsay, is engaged to Jamaican-born Dominic Lakhan, who was reportedly pulled over for a traffic violation seven years ago in Pembroke Pines, Florida. According to the police report from the incident, two grams of cannabis were found in his ashtray, along with a 16 ounce opened can of Natty Light in the driver door. The report says Lakhan "admitted to the possession of the can­nabis, stating that it was for personal use.” The National Enquirer claims to have caught the first image of Lakhan, in a brown Rastafarian-style hat.

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