
British M.P.s Say Julian Assange Must Face Justice in Sweden Before U.S.


More than 70 British M.P.s have signed a letter urging the home secretary to extradite Julian Assange to Sweden to face rape charges.

REUTERS/Hannah McKay

In a letter to British Home Secretary SAjid Javid, 70 British parliamentarians have asked that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange be extradited to Sweden to face sex abuse charges there, according to the BBC. The letter states that they are standing with victims of sexual violence and want to be sure the rape claim against Assange is “properly investigated.” The move would mean that the United States, which has asked to extradite the whistleblower, would have to extradite him from Sweden to bring him to the U.S. for a trial. “We do not presume guilt, of course, but we believe due process should be followed and the complainant should see justice be done,” the British parliamentarians wrote. Extradition lawyer Rebecca Niblock told the BBC that if Sweden made an extradition request, Javid would have to determine if that took precedence over the U.S. request.

Read it at BBC

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