Brother of Nikolas Cruz Arrested for Allegedly Violating Probation Terms
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Previously arrested for trespassing at Parkland school.
Pool / Reuters
The younger brother of Parkland school shooter Nikolas Cruz has been arrested again for allegedly violating the terms of his probation. Zachary Cruz was previously arrested March 19 on a trespassing charge at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, where his brother fatally shot 17 people on Valentine’s Day. He was booked Tuesday night into Palm Beach County Jail, according to the jail website, for allegedly violating his probation by driving an SUV without a license and being close to a school where he wasn’t enrolled. The warrant said he was about 25 feet from a parking lot of Park Vista Community High School in Lake Worth, Florida. At a previous court hearing on March 29, he was sentenced to six months probation, ordered to wear a GPS monitor, and remain at least a mile away from the Marjory Stoneman Douglas campus. He was also forbidden from having any contact with victims or family members of the mass shooting.