Scouting Report: Not only are these sheets environmentally friendly, they're some of the softest I've tried.
Like many others, I’ve been trying to make environmentally conscious lifestyle choices. The less new stuff, the better. But bedding gets old and tattered, and buying used sheets isn’t quite a recommended practice. The bedding company Buffy is on a mission to make getting new sheets as sustainable as possible, so I tried their Eucalyptus Sheet Set and was relieved that a serene night’s rest could also be a sustainable one.

My first impression of the sheets was relief that they didn’t at all have the texture of eucalyptus leaves which had for some reason been in the back of my mind. Instead, they were cool to the touch, soft, and lightweight with a slightly slippery feeling of satin. Despite being a warm sleeper, as someone who needs to have covers on, Buffy’s Eucalyptus sheets are the summertime bedding I have needed all my life. The fabric’s breathability allows me to still feel the cool current of air from my fan and is lighter on my body than some of its silk counterparts. While I was pretty on board with the eucalyptus sheet experience after my first few nights of not overheating, I became a believer after washing the sheets. They became even softer, which it turns out is part of the design.
Buffy sheets are made for longevity, reducing the number of times we have to buy sheets, and the earth has to produce sheets, providing you and the planet with a little bit of luxury.
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