
Business Longreads

The Best Longreads in Business and Finance for the Week of March 30

From a critique of Sheryl Sandberg from a Facebook veteran to Samsung’s revival, the Daily Beast brings you the best business and finance longreads from this week.

Life, death, and free culture in the Mission Matthew Shaer, Fortune

By the time he turned 21, had raised over $200,000 on Kickstarter for his open-source alternative to Facebook. A month after he turned 22, he was found dead in his San Francisco apartment, with a note reading "Thanks everyone for everything. This was my decision alone."

Feminism’s Tipping Point: Who Wins from Leaning in? Kate Losse, Dissent

For five years, Losse worked at Facebook, eventually becoming Sheryl Sandberg’s speechwriter. She found there, and in the Sandberg’s book, a culture that’s “an unending race of pure ambition, where no amount of money or power is enough and work is forever.”

Income At Home, Herbalife, and the $8 billion pyramid Matt Stroud and Joseph L. Flatley, The Verge

Some of the most successful income-at-home magnates are actually big-time Herbalife distributors. Are they actually running pyramid schemes and do they have the tacit permission of Herbalife?

How Samsung Became the World's No. 1 Smartphone Maker Sam Grobart, Bloomberg Businessweek How did Samsung go from being “a second-tier TV manufacturer, into the biggest, most powerful electronics manufacturer on earth”? It all started 20 years ago in a “drab conference room in a German hotel.”

Is Giving the Secret to Getting Ahead?Susan Dominus, New York Times Magazine

Can corporate workers be transformed by altruism? One psychologist thinks that “the greatest untapped source of motivation is a sense of service to others.”

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