Legendary filmmaker and journalist Cameron Crowe, who’s been on hiatus after a double whammy of flops eight years ago with Aloha on the big screen and Roadies on TV, has reportedly been developing a film in secret for the last two years with folk icon Joni Mitchell. The passion project was revealed on Thursday, with entertainment outlet Above the Linereporting that Crowe is hoping to create a film that goes beyond traditional biopics like Elvis or Straight Outta Compton and is instead something “akin to an autobiography” of his longtime friend. Mitchell, 79, has known Crowe since the 70s when he first interviewed her as a cub reporter at Rolling Stone, and sources told Above the Line that Crowe has been leveraging their unique relationship as he writes the film’s script. Above the Line reported that the project is “deeply personal” to Crowe, but no other details were revealed Thursday.