Cassidy Hutchinson—a one-time Trump administration aide who gave bombshell testimony before the House committee investigating the Capitol riots—continued to work for the former president for nine weeks after he left office, government records obtained by Insider show. Hutchinson, a former aide to ex-chief of staff Mark Meadows, became a key witness during the Jan. 6 hearings after she delivered searing testimony against Trump, saying he was responsible for rallying the mob just before the riots and even “lunged” at a Secret Service agent he wanted to drive him to the Capitol. “As an American, I was disgusted. It was unpatriotic. It was un-American. We were watching the Capitol building get defaced over a lie. And it was something that was really hard in that moment to digest knowing what I'd been hearing down the hall in the conversations that were happening,” she testified June 28. According to federal documents, Hutchinson worked for Trump from Virginia, not Florida, where the former president was staying. It’s unclear what she did in her “coordinator” role, but it earned her a taxpayer-funded annualized pay of $90,000, records show.