CBS News’ Lara Logan: I Fought for My Life In Cairo
Describes her assault and rescue on 60 Minutes.
Lara Logan returned to 60 Minutes Sunday night—this time as the interviewee. The CBS News correspondent described how she was assaulted by a mob in Cairo’s Tahrir Square—and rescued by a woman dressed head-to-toe in black religious garb. “The only thing to fight for, left to fight for, was my life,” Logan said. Logan said “the more I screamed, the more it turned them into a frenzy,” and said she was stripped naked, beaten, and assaulted by dozens of men. Logan said that after 25 minutes, she was dragged off near female protesters, where a woman put her arms around Logan—and all Logan could see were her eyes. Logan returned to Washington after being treated at the hospital—and said seeing her family again felt like “a second chance I didn’t deserve.” Logan attended Saturday night’s White House Correspondents’ dinner.