The U.S. Census Bureau has released new data on dads ahead of father’s day, according to the Associated Press. The most current census, from 2014, was the first to ask specifically about fertility in both men and women. The results were complied in a new report that shows that 60 percent of the 121 million adult men in the U.S. were fathers. About three-quarters of them are married. Thirteen percent of fathers reflected in the census were divorced and just eight percent of the dads had never been married. The report also shows that just under 25 percent of American men between 40 and 50 are childless, compared to just under 16 percent of women in the same age bracket. The study also focused on employment, finding that 90 percent of dads with kids under 6-years-old were employed, compared to just under 60 percent of moms with kids that age.