Conspiracy theorists on TikTok are claiming that Anne Heche’s death wasn’t really an accident, but instead a plotted murder in connection with her movie work. Heche was taken off life support Sunday after she crashed into a house in Los Angeles nine days earlier; she was high on cocaine when she crashed, authorities have said. All the same, paranoid pundits have cooked up truly wacky ideas about her being murdered, citing storylines in her movies covering topics like human trafficking and pandemics as evidence. One theory claims she was taken out because of her part in the 2008 film Toxic Skies, which is about a conspiracy to kill off the population with a fake pandemic. Another suggests that because her upcoming film reportedly covers human trafficking—an obsession of QAnon devotees—she was murdered by elites that she was trying to warn the world about through the movie. “She was Clintoned,” one conspiracy theorist explains. “It seems like people in Hollywood that work in sex trafficking films end up dead,” one TikToker said, with another responding: “She knew too much!!!”