Though the current American Idol contestants have already been mentored by Miley Cyrus and Alicia Keys, another pop star is set to close out the ninth season of the talent competition in May—Christina Aguilera. The "Genie in a Bottle" singer revealed in a radio interview with Atlanta's Star 94 FM radio station that she'll appear on the show's May 26 finale. Though Fox did not confirm the news, Aguilera is likely to perform a track off her upcoming album, Bionic, which is scheduled for a June 8 release. Aguilera's debut single off of her first studio album in four years, "Not Myself Tonight," was released this month. With the track's cover art featuring the 29-year-old platinum blond diva and mother of one as something of a devilish dominatrix, time will tell what kind of performance she has in store for Idol fans next month.
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