The stars of popular early-Aughts sitcom Will & Grace are teasing a likely reunion show. Star actress Debra Messing tweeted a trailer Monday with text strategically highlighting the words “Will & Grace is back,” after posting a picture to Instagram on Sunday evening of the four main cast members embracing. Additionally, her co-stars Megan Mullally, Sean Hayes, and Eric McCormack posted photographs of themselves on the familiar set of the show, in what appeared to be a table-reading of new scripts. Speculation has arisen that the show, which ran from 1998-2006 could be headed for a nostalgia-driven reboot on Netflix, following in the footsteps of Fuller House, the Gilmore Girls revival series, and Arrested Development’s post-cancellation season.
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‘Will & Grace’ Cast Tease Reunion Show
Speculation arises over possible Netflix reboot.
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