
CNN’s ‘New Day’ Hails Judge Napolitano, Shep Smith as Fox News’ ‘Journalism Zone’


Unlike the ‘crazy land’ that is the network’s primetime lineup.

“Are there signs that the president's supporters or areas where the president usually seeks safe ground, are they starting to turn on the president?” CNN’s John Berman asked on Tuesday morning’s New Day. “Well, one of those areas is Fox News. I mean, there’s no safer place for the president than Fox News.”

“Yes, but I wouldn’t say that there’s a majority of voices that are pointing out what Judge Andrew Napolitano did,” Alisyn Camerota, herself a former Fox News host, added. “So it is striking when somebody who is part of the Fox family, goes out on a limb, well off the reservation.”

That was their way of setting up the latest clip of Fox News’ senior judicial analyst thoroughly bursting the rest of his network’s bubble when it comes to potential wrongdoing by President Trump. In the past week, Napolitano has explained how we now know Trump has “committed a felony” and left the president’s talking points in an ash heap on the ground of Fox & Friends’ studio.

Just yesterday, Napolitano offered up “ample evidence” to Fox’s Shepard Smith that Trump may already be an “unindicted co-conspirator.”

“The judge is a good guy and a good lawyer and a serious person,” CNN’s legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin said after the clip played. “But that’s like the journalism zone of the Fox network,” he added. “That’s not primetime. Primetime is crazy land.”

“It's fascinating, we know the president keeps his channel locked on Fox News,” senior political reporter Nia-Malika Henderson said. “Sometimes he watches it in repeat—he obviously watches CNN, too—so to hear him consistently go against the talking points of this White House is fascinating to see that on Fox News.”

When Toobin said, “It's just simply called telling the truth,” Henderson added, “But it is Fox.”